- The poetic in contemporary cinema (French fixxion critical review)
- Poetry will save the world (What next?), meeting with Jean-Pierre Siméon
- Le cinéma, diversion of attention (G. Duhamml)
- Poetry as radical objection force, with J-P Simeon
- In praise of slowness
Beyond the leaves of the tree...…
- urban drift: the City's borders
- Stalker Rome: Laboratory of Urban Art (tracks)
Swiss Association of screenwriters and filmmakers ARF/FDS
Films taken to peddling :
Through the branches of a tree, Daniel Duqué Carole Roussopoulos, Emmanuelle Riedmatten Half-life, Mark Olexa Elegy for a lighthouse, Dominique de Rivaz between Earth and Heaven / last petals of a daisy, D. Duque The four times, Michelangelo Frammartino Terrain Vague, Philippe Grand (DVDs available!) The Hour of living, Sebastian Michael Rarities to report :The Unspeakable (The Unnameable), Rani Gilliod Altyn Khyrgol (The Golden Pheasant), Marat on him
IS ANYBODY HOME ? / Current funding :